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The National Upholstery Association Concludes Its Second Annual Pricing Survey National Uphol­stery Association

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The National Uphol­stery Asso­ci­a­tion, the only national nonprofit trade asso­ci­a­tion support­ing the uphol­stery trade in North America, recently concluded their second annual pricing survey.

The National Uphol­stery Asso­ci­a­tion, the only national nonprofit trade asso­ci­a­tion support­ing the uphol­stery trade in North America, recently concluded their second annual pricing survey. Knowl­edge of the pricing within one’s market­place is so impor­tant to balanc­ing return on invest­ment with gaining market share! This year’s survey has the added benefit of compar­ing the results to last year at a time of rising infla­tion.” ‑Lewis Mabon, Board Member

The pricing survey collected data from 215 uphol­ster­ers and work­rooms in the inau­gural 2021 year. The data collected helps work­rooms across America reeval­u­ate their current rates, and become more compet­i­tive with any new services they might want to offer. The inter­ac­tive survey collects data points on pricing metrics such as shop rates, pricing by service, and pricing by furni­ture type. Addi­tion­ally, results can be broken down by region, service area size, and/​or number of employ­ees. This year, the survey will be presented in the same fun inter­ac­tive format with visuals and easy controls to toggle results. Survey results will be posted the first week of January and are open to members of the National Upholstery Association. 

Member­ship to the National Uphol­stery Asso­ci­a­tion provides ample bene­fits to its members, and in turn, supports the association’s goal of increas­ing the health of the uphol­stery trade. In addi­tion to survey results, members enjoy monthly webi­nars, special events through­out the year, indus­try newslet­ters, special promo­tions from Indus­try and Educa­tion spon­sors, and more.
