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Scholarships Port Townsend School of Woodworking

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Please note: this opportunity has expired!
We are looking for indi­vid­u­als willing to help us with our goal of diver­si­fy­ing the field of fine wood­work­ing in North America. Our 2021 goal is to grant $50,000 worth of tuition schol­ar­ships and create more equi­table access to woodworking education.
PTS Wlogo

Our mission is to inspire a life­long respect for crafts­man­ship and a passion for creat­ing by provid­ing a diverse, safe, and excel­lent wood­work­ing educa­tion for all.

All courses are now eligi­ble for schol­ar­ships. We are looking for indi­vid­u­als willing to help us with our goal of diver­si­fy­ing the field of fine wood­work­ing in North America. Our 2021 goal is to grant $50,000 worth of tuition schol­ar­ships and create more equi­table access to wood­work­ing educa­tion. Schol­ar­ships cover tuition only. Students are respon­si­ble for accom­mo­da­tions, meals, trans­porta­tion, mate­ri­als and regis­tra­tion fees. Select courses also require students to provide tools. Tool lists and mate­ri­als fees for non-inten­sives are listed within each course descrip­tion. Regis­tra­tion fees for non-inten­sives are $10, and $75 for inten­sives. Visit our Course Calen­dar to learn more about require­ments for each course.

Our Process:

We review and award schol­ar­ship appli­ca­tions quar­terly. Schol­ar­ship appli­ca­tion review is conducted by a Schol­ar­ship Commit­tee composed of board members, staff, faculty, alumni, and volunteers. 

The Schol­ar­ship Commit­tee will make award deci­sions guided by the following factors:

*Diver­sity — We will prior­i­tize appli­cants that repre­sent an under­served demo­graphic in the woodworking field.

*Econom­ics — We will prior­i­tize appli­cants that demon­strate an economic need for assistance.

Types of Scholarships

General Schol­ar­ship or 12-Week Intensive Scholarship: 

Schol­ar­ships now apply to any course — from weekend courses to 12-week courses. Before apply­ing, figure out what percent­age of the tuition you need covered in order to attend the course. 

Career Pathway Schol­ar­ship (Nine Months):

One nine-month Career Pathway schol­ar­ship will be awarded annu­ally. This schol­ar­ship covers tuition for one indi­vid­ual to attend Foun­da­tions of Wood­work­ing, Tradi­tions of Furni­ture, and Art of Furni­ture sequen­tially. This award is intended for an indi­vid­ual from a tradi­tion­ally under­served demo­graphic pursu­ing a career in fine woodworking. 

Follow link for more details about appli­ca­tions and award schedules!