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Online Mastery Program The North­west Woodworking Studio

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Please note: this opportunity has expired!
The Online Mastery Program is a 2 year immer­sion in furni­ture design & construc­tion. We meet weekly on Zoom for three semes­ters each year for lectures, videos, and discus­sions. Students work from their own shop to build 11 pieces of furniture.
Stool in walnut

The OMP is a two year immer­sion in furni­ture design & construc­tion. We meet weekly for three semes­ters each year for lectures, videos, and chats. Students work from their own shop and need a camera and micro­phone to partic­i­pate on Zoom. This program takes on all levels but true begin­ners. Anyone with the gump­tion to deepen their under­stand­ing of the craft and commit to build­ing great work.

Design topics range from the influ­ence of Charles Mack­in­tosh to 14th century Renais­sance furni­ture to Modernist design icons. We cover hand and power tool use, drawer and case construc­tion, hand cut dove­tails, cooper­ing and busi­ness prac­tice. Over these two years folks design and build 11 pieces of work. Pieces range from a dove­tail box to a chair and a final Signa­ture Piece with three drawers. Please contact the Studio for a prospec­tus or to speak with alumni about the program. There are no schol­ar­ships currently available.
