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Member & Student Discounts on Chair Weaving Classes at Silver River Chairs Silver River Center for Chair Caning

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Please note: this opportunity has expired!

TFS Members receive a $100 off 1 – 2 day rush, splint, shaker tape, & pressed caning & $150 off 1‑week laced caning classes. 

Students get $150 off 1 – 2 day classes & $200 off 1‑week caning classes. 

Call to sign up & get the discount! 828 – 707-4553

Chair caning classes SRCCC

Chair Nerds Brandy & Dave at Silver River Chairs in Asheville, NC are excited to offer Furni­ture Society members $100 off our 1 – 2 day classes and $150 off our week long classes. Student members can get $150 off 1 – 2 day classes and $200 off our week long classes. Call to sign up and get the discount. 828 – 707-4553

We have 2, 2‑week sessions coming up in Fall 2023

1. All Levels Boot Camp Septem­ber 11 – 15 & 18 – 22 (Hand-woven & Pressed Caning, Rush, Splint, Shaker tape). Attend the whole 2 weeks or pick and choose a class you want to take. 


2. Inter­me­di­ate Boot­camp Novem­ber 6 – 10 & 13 – 17. (advanced patterns in hand­wo­ven chair caning and Shaker tape, tradi­tional danish cord, natural rush weaving) Attend the whole 2 weeks or pick and choose a class you want to take. Expe­ri­ence with paper rush is strongly recom­mended before working with the trick­ier natural rush. 


All mate­ri­als included in cost. BYOC (Bring your own chairs) or we can provide one for you for $50 with advanced notice. Read more about our classes on our FAQs https://​silver​river​chairs​.com/…

Note: Excep­tion is the Danish Cord weaving class which is already only $150 if you work on our clien­t’s chairs (she will be in the class with you). You will be bring­ing home knowl­edge instead of a tangi­ble product. If you wanted to bring your own Danish cord frame, then the cost would be discounted from $300 (so $200 or $150) and includes Danish Cord and nails for 1 project.