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Making Bandsaw Boxes with Katie Hudnall The Wood­work­ing School at Pine Croft

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Please note: this opportunity has expired!

Work­shop Dates: July 10142023

In this class students will learn to make a small box with a hinging lid utiliz­ing a bandsaw box tech­nique, and then have a chance to deco­rate these with milk paints, and a sturdy clear finish.


Hinges and moving parts in wood can be fussy and require a level of preci­sion and accu­racy that can be hard to achieve for those just start­ing out. On the other hand, making a band saw box can be one of the simplest and least compli­cated ways to make a box in wood, but they aren’t thought of as being preci­sion objects. We will use a combi­na­tion of milled and band-sawn parts to get the accu­racy we need for the hinge without losing the simplic­ity and delight in making a quick and lovely box from scratch. My goal is that students of all levels can leave this class with both a great, useful box, and a better sense of how to get more from their personal shops – a band saw, a drill press and a bit of time is all you need!

Students of all levels are welcome, and we’ll be cover­ing the following:

Wood basics (grain direc­tion, why it works the way it works)

Milling rough wood (safe use of machines includ­ing jointer, planer, table saw)

One way of making a band saw box (and discus­sions, exam­ples of others)

Accu­rately making hinges, drilling for hinge-pins, etc.

Deco­ra­tive surfaces using milk paints, various drawing supplies, and a conver­sa­tion about simple clear finishes, from paste wax to rattle-can lacquers

Tool List (bring what you have and we’ll share our shop kit of tools):

chisels, awl, combi­na­tion squares (6” is fine), drawing compass, clamps, and shaping tools if desired, such as gouges, rasps and sandpaper

Lunches provided. All are welcome.
