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Lecture: BA Harrington North Bennet Street School

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Please note: this opportunity has expired!
As part of our In the Making Exhi­bi­tion, BA Harring­ton CF 95 joins us to discuss her journey from a student in the Cabinet & Furni­ture Making program to her current role as Direc­tor of The Wood Center at Indiana Univer­sity of Pennsylvania.

Thursday, September 28, 2023 11:00am — 12:00pm EDT

BA Harrington

As part of our In the Making Exhi­bi­tion, BA Harring­ton CF 95 joins us to discuss her journey from a student in the Cabinet & Furni­ture Making program to her current role as Direc­tor of The Wood Center at Indiana Univer­sity of Penn­syl­va­nia. BA’s Queen Anne style lady’s writing desk Become” is currently on view in the Exhi­bi­tion and will act as the back­drop for this public lecture in-person at NBSS.

Live streamed from NBSS

Virtual, free, and open to all
