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Full-Time Lecturer of Woodworking Tennessee Tech Univer­sity: Appalachian Center for Craft

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Please note: this opportunity has expired!
Tennessee Tech Univer­sity is seeking to fill the posi­tion of Lecturer (9‑month, 3‑year appoint­ment) of Wood­work­ing to begin August 12024.
Scenes Aerial Fall Foliage Craft Center 18 OCT22 lightened

Tennessee Tech Univer­sity is seeking to fill the posi­tion of Lecturer (9‑month, 3‑year renew­able appoint­ment) of Wood­work­ing to begin August 1, 2024. The School of Art, Craft & Design is seeking an inno­v­a­tive, tech­ni­cally profi­cient, prac­tic­ing artist in the field of contem­po­rary wood/​furniture with a record of outstand­ing profes­sional accom­plish­ments. Appli­cants should display a solid under­stand­ing of a broad range of wood­work­ing processes while exhibit­ing a strong commit­ment to teaching. 

The wood studio is located at TN Tech University’s satel­lite campus, the Appalachian Center for Craft which is in Smithville, TN on 500 acres over­see­ing Center Hill Lake 25 miles West of the main campus. The wood facil­ity is a spacious and well-equipped 5000 sq. ft space with a classroom/​benchroom, office, two machine rooms, a finishing/​spray room, a wood­turn­ing studio, a wood store, a tool room, and a dedi­cated resi­dent artist work­space with an office. There are 12 student bench spaces in the class­room. The facil­ity includes a complete suite of power equip­ment and hand tools. A laser engraver is acces­si­ble in other work areas within the School of Art, Craft & Design.

-Teach under­grad­u­ate level courses in a wide range/​variety of wood art prac­tices as well as work with students from across the School of Art, Craft & Design and serve on senior thesis committees. 

-Engage in service activ­i­ties at the depart­men­tal, college, and university level.

-Main­tain a studio prac­tice of recognized quality. 

-Super­vise the wood studio artist in residence.

-Meet the teach­ing, research, and service expec­ta­tions of the depart­ment and university. 

-Demon­strate an active commit­ment to the contin­ued growth and devel­op­ment of the program and community. 

-Mentor students within the major. 

-Main­tain and super­vise all aspects of the Wood/​Furniture area, includ­ing safety, and oper­a­tions, oversee main­te­nance, repair, and replace­ment of equip­ment, supply and equip­ment budget, inven­tory, and order­ing of studio supplies. 

-Teach foun­da­tions, art appre­ci­a­tion, and seminar courses, as needed. 

-Perform other duties as assigned.


MFA or equiv­a­lent profes­sional expe­ri­ence is required by the start date. A port­fo­lio display­ing strong tech­ni­cal knowl­edge and teach­ing in wood­work­ing. Broad knowl­edge of wood­work­ing history and contem­po­rary trends includ­ing studio prac­tices of func­tional and sculp­tural wood­work­ing and the range of contem­po­rary prac­tices. Profes­sional compe­tence in a range of studio skills in wood­work­ing. Broad compe­tence in tradi­tional and contem­po­rary methods such as joinery, bending, veneer­ing, wood­turn­ing, etc. Signif­i­cant regional and/​or national exhibition record.
