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Fall Guest Artist Residencies Peters Valley School of Craft

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Please note: this opportunity has expired!
Devote your­self to your work on Peters Valley’s beau­ti­ful campus located in the Delaware Water Gap National Recre­ation Area through this fully-funded guest artist residency opportunity.
Peters Valley Wood Studio

Through the incred­i­ble generos­ity of the Maxwell/​Hanrahan Foun­da­tion, Peters Valley is excited to offer fully funded guest artist resi­den­cies for Novem­ber of 2024! A limited number of artists will be selected to spend either two weeks or one month each in our fully equipped studios immers­ing them­selves in time dedi­cated to their craft.

Two week resi­den­cies will take place Novem­ber 5 – 18, 2024 and full month resi­den­cies will run Novem­ber 1 – 30, 2024. This program is open to all artists, from emerg­ing to profes­sional however you must have expe­ri­ence with the tools and equip­ment and be able to work inde­pen­dently. Due to the rural nature of our campus, a personal vehicle is required.

A private room in a fully furnished shared house and unlim­ited access to a fully equipped studio (all util­i­ties included) will be provided at no cost to the artist. This resi­dency oppor­tu­nity also pays the artist a stipend of $500 for two-week long resi­den­cies and $1,000 for month-long resi­den­cies to help off-set the costs of mate­ri­als and travel. The acqui­si­tion of all mate­ri­als and supplies are the respon­si­bil­ity of the artist. Guest artists are respon­si­ble for provid­ing their own meals and a full kitchen is avail­able for use in the house.

Dead­line to apply for this program is July 1st. 

Appli­ca­tions will be accepted through the Submit­table plat­form and a $10 appli­ca­tion fee will be charged.
