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Business Information Analyst Ainfox, LLC

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Please note: this opportunity has expired!

Busi­ness Analyst (Norcross, GA opening) Play a central role in analytical

& tech­ni­cal aspects, explain vari­ance from busi­ness perspec­tive & identify

busi­ness oppor­tu­ni­ties thru robust analyt­ics, & work on data driven decision.

Job title: Business Analyst

Job duties: Play a central role in both analyt­i­cal and tech­ni­cal aspects, explain variance from

busi­ness perspec­tive and iden­tify busi­ness oppor­tu­ni­ties through robust analyt­ics, work

inde­pen­dently and within teams on data driven deci­sions. Specific duties include, but not limited

to, the follow­ing: Perform quan­ti­ta­tive and qual­i­ta­tive analy­sis around various E‑commence

busi­ness subject matter, work inde­pen­dently on data collec­tion, data synthe­sis, and data

cleans­ing, using tools such as SQL, Python, R. Iden­tify busi­ness model improvement

oppor­tu­ni­ties and action­able initia­tives through robust analyt­ics, provide data driven insight by

Tableau and Power BI to facil­i­tate busi­ness deci­sion making. Develop modeling algorithms

using Python to drive deci­sion on acqui­si­tion of new customer and advise on adver­tis­ing, utilize

statis­ti­cal analy­sis to predict market trend and adapt busi­ness strat­egy accord­ingly. Clean,

trans­form, and analyze vast amounts of raw data from various systems using Spark to provide

ready-to-use data to lever­age big data analyt­ics to solve busi­ness issues. Monitor revenue,

ware­hous­ing and distri­b­u­tion oper­a­tion perfor­mance on a regular basis; explain variance from

busi­ness perspec­tive; and lead the finan­cial and oper­a­tion plan­ning process includ­ing short term

and strate­gic long-term busi­ness plan­ning, and data storage system using tools such as SQL,

Power BI.

Job require­ments: Bachelor’s degree in Busi­ness Analyt­ics or other quan­ti­ta­tive discipline such

as statis­tics or applied math­e­mat­ics. Minimum two years’ expe­ri­ence working as Business

Analyst or related posi­tions. Foreign degree equiv­a­lent is accept­able. We will also accept any

suit­able combi­na­tion of educa­tion, train­ing and/​or expe­ri­ence. The expe­ri­ence should include

working with data collec­tion, statis­ti­cal analy­sis, data synthe­sis, data cleans­ing, modeling

algo­rithms, and data analyt­ics tool includ­ing Python, R. Tableau, and Spark, as well as SQL and

Power BI.

HOURS: M‑F, 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.

JOB LOCA­TION: Norcross, GA 30071

CONTACT: Email resume refer­enc­ing Job code# BA08022022Ainfox to Ainfox LLC at
