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Assistant Professor, Wood and Furniture Design – Tenure Track Tennessee Tech Univer­sity School of Art, Craft & Design Appalachian Center for Craft

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Please note: this opportunity has expired!

Tennessee Tech Univer­sity is looking for an assis­tant profes­sor to teach wood & furniture design

Full-Time Posi­tion

Teach courses in the under­grad­u­ate BFA wood program.

The wood facil­ity is housed at TN Tech University’s satel­lite campus, the Appalachian Center for Craft, in Smithville, TN. It is a 5000 sq. ft space with two bench rooms contain­ing 23 cabi­net­mak­ers benches. Adja­cent are a spacious machine room with 30 quality stand­ing machines, a spray room, a wood store, tool room, and drawing room. The faculty and resi­dent artist have private studios /​offices. The facil­ity also includes an exten­sive comple­ment of portable power and hand tools.

Over the first six semes­ters the school empha­sizes strong tech­ni­cal skills, mate­r­ial and histor­i­cal knowl­edge. Coupled with a design foun­da­tion program, students have matured enough by their final year to present a concept, develop and build the idea; culmi­nat­ing in a solo exhibition.

Tennessee Tech provides impact through its engaged students, dedi­cated faculty, and career-ready grad­u­ates known for their creativ­ity, tenac­ity, and analyt­i­cal approach to problem solving. As a STEM-infused, compre­hen­sive insti­tu­tion, Tennessee Tech deliv­ers endur­ing educa­tion, impact­ful research, and collab­o­ra­tive service that creates, advances, and applies knowl­edge to expand oppor­tu­nity and economic competitiveness.

Tennessee Tech is commit­ted to a diverse work­force by foster­ing an inclu­sive work envi­ron­ment for students, faculty, and staff. Success­ful candi­dates should have a demon­strated commit­ment and contri­bu­tion to foster­ing and advanc­ing equity, diver­sity and inclu­sion. Tennessee Tech is an Equal Opportunity/​Affirmative Action employer.

Essen­tial Functions:

• Teach courses in under­grad­u­ate BFA wood
program includ­ing but not limited to: Intro­duc­tion, Inter­me­di­ate and
Advanced Wood, Tech­ni­cal drawing, Wood­turn­ing, and/​or Foun­da­tion
• Be respon­si­ble for all phys­i­cal aspects of the Wood facil­ity,
includ­ing studio main­te­nance and devel­op­ment, safety, oper­a­tions, studio
budget, inven­tory and the wood store.
• Lead devel­op­ment of the wood curricu­lum.
• Super­vise the Wood Artist in Resi­dence.
• Meet the teach­ing, research and service expec­ta­tions of the depart­ment
and univer­sity at a level that meets Univer­sity tenure and promo­tion
• Co-ordi­nate non-acad­e­mic work­shops and high school outreach with the Program Manager.
• Serve on SAC+D and univer­sity commit­tees.
• Build effec­tive rela­tion­ships with rele­vant regional and national orga­ni­za­tions.
• Engage in service activ­i­ties at the univer­sity, local, state and national level.
• Demon­strate an active commit­ment to the contin­ued growth and
devel­op­ment of the SAC+D and the Wood Program through recruit­ment and
• Colle­gial and active collab­o­ra­tion with faculty and admin­is­tra­tion in curricu­lum and program devel­op­ment.
• Partic­i­pate on up to four BFA thesis commit­tees across all of the six studio disciplines.

Minimum Qual­i­fi­ca­tions:

• An MFA degree in Visual Art.
• Taught four or more college level classes in rele­vant fields after grad­u­ate educa­tion.
• Demon­strated broad knowl­edge of furni­ture design, func­tional and sculp­tural wood­work­ing tech­niques.
• Demon­strated expe­ri­ence or show poten­tial for creative and effec­tive teach­ing in Wood­work­ing, Furni­ture Design and Drawing.
• Have had admin­is­tra­tive or orga­ni­za­tional expe­ri­ence.
• Knowl­edge of soft­ware and digital tech­nolo­gies appro­pri­ate for design,
produc­tion and promo­tion in wood. Ability to teach online.

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