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Assistant Professor, Industrial and Product Design Lehigh Univer­sity

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Please note: this opportunity has expired!
The Lehigh Univer­sity Depart­ment of Art, Archi­tec­ture, and Design is search­ing for a full-time Design faculty member, begin­ning Fall 2023.


Appli­cants should hold an MDes, MID, MFA, MArch or equiv­a­lent termi­nal degree in their field. They should have at least one year of teach­ing expe­ri­ence in the univer­sity setting as a primary instructor.

Posi­tion responsibilities

The success­ful candi­date will join a multi­dis­ci­pli­nary depart­ment with under­grad­u­ate major programs in art, archi­tec­ture, graphic and product design, and art history. The product design concen­tra­tion within the design major is focused on provid­ing hands-on expe­ri­ence inside and outside the class­room, and encour­ag­ing students to see design as a means of confronting real-world chal­lenges. Explor­ing topical issues, mate­ri­als, proto­typ­ing, and human-centered design processes, our students both creatively develop ideas and shep­herd them into the phys­i­cal world, working with world-class resources and facil­i­ties. An open studio culture at Lehigh encour­ages peer engage­ment, collec­tive critique, and open discourse foster­ing a deeper under­stand­ing of three-dimen­sional mass-produced objects in their tech­ni­cal and social dimensions.

As a faculty member in the program, a success­ful candi­date will be expected to teach intro­duc­tory through advanced-level studio courses in Product and Indus­trial Design, three dimen­sional design foun­da­tions, and addi­tional courses in an area of schol­arly special­iza­tion in regular rota­tion. Areas of special­iza­tion that contribute to and deepen the department’s course offer­ings might include: medical, envi­ron­men­tal, exhi­bi­tion, furni­ture, ergonomic, or sustain­able design; 3D computer model­ing, manu­fac­tur­ing and fabri­ca­tion tech­nolo­gies; or design research, public policy, history, theory, and crit­i­cism. The stan­dard teach­ing load for tenure-track faculty is two courses per semes­ter, which affords the oppor­tu­nity to balance between teach­ing, research, and an active creative practice.

As researchers, they will be expected to develop and main­tain a program of indi­vid­ual schol­ar­ship and creative prac­tice that demon­strates excel­lence and impact, as evidenced by exhi­bi­tions, awards, reviews, publi­ca­tions, and other forms of juried or peer-reviewed work, or profes­sional and client-based projects compa­ra­bly recog­nized. In both teach­ing and research, the candidate’s work should be seated in methods that look to make an impact on a range of commu­ni­ties beyond the univer­sity and campus setting, serving both disci­pli­nary and public inter­ests. In addi­tion, they will contribute to depart­men­tal, college, and university service.

The posi­tion offers the oppor­tu­nity of affil­i­a­tion with one of the university’s many inter­dis­ci­pli­nary programs and centers, with possi­bil­i­ties for further research advance­ment and collab­o­ra­tion in schol­ar­ship and teach­ing, includ­ing cross-listing of courses. Rele­vant inter­dis­ci­pli­nary centers, programs, and majors include the university’s Inte­grated Degree in

Arts, Engi­neer­ing and Sciences (IDEAS); dual-degree program in Arts and Engi­neer­ing; Baker Insti­tute for Entre­pre­neur­ship, Creativ­ity, and Inno­va­tion; Creative Inquiry; Envi­ron­men­tal Studies; Health, Medi­cine and Society; Africana Studies; Latin Amer­i­can and Latino Studies; Women, Gender and Sexu­al­ity Studies; South Side Initiative.

To Apply:
