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Arts Studio Foundations: 3D Design Instructor (MFA) Colorado College

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Please note: this opportunity has expired!
The Art Depart­ment at Colorado College is seeking an art studio, design, furni­ture or archi­tec­ture MFA to teach two courses in Art Studio Foun­da­tions: 3D Design in 2021/22.

The Art Depart­ment at Colorado College is seeking an art studio, design, furni­ture or archi­tec­ture MFA to teach two courses in Art Studio Foun­da­tions: 3D Design, each lasting 3.5 weeks. The Block 2 course runs from Septem­ber 27 through October 20, 2021 and the Block 6 course runs from Febru­ary 21 through March 16, 2022. Some prior teach­ing expe­ri­ence is required.

Travel expenses are covered by the College and accom­mo­da­tions are avail­able at a moder­ate cost, which the CC Art Depart­ment can help offset with an hono­rar­ium for giving a public lecture. The salary for block visi­tors is compet­i­tive, is based upon current CV, and is deter­mined by the Dean of the College. While the course empha­sizes the elements and prin­ci­ples asso­ci­ated with 3D design, the exact nature of the course can focus on areas rele­vant to the visitor’s exper­tise. Course description:

Art Studio Foun­da­tions: Three-Dimensional Design

Survey of the funda­men­tal concepts, prac­tices and tech­niques in three-dimen­sional design. Empha­sizes compo­si­tion, the acti­va­tion of 3D space, visual liter­acy, crit­i­cal analy­sis and indi­vid­ual and collab­o­ra­tive problem solving. Prepares students for advanced classes in studio art. 1 unit.

The CC Art Depart­ment is a joint art history and art studio program with eight full-time faculty. The Art Major includes tracks in Inte­gra­tive Design and Archi­tec­ture and Museum studies.

Founded in 1874, Colorado College is a nation­ally recog­nized, private resi­den­tial liberal arts college with about 2,500 students. One distin­guish­ing feature of Colorado College is its Block Plan, in which profes­sors teach, and students take, one course at a time. Each block is three and a half weeks long with class every day for eigh­teen days and is expected to be taught in person, circum­stances permit­ting. For more infor­ma­tion, consult https://​www​.colorado​col​lege​.edu/​b​a​s​i​c​s​/​b​l​o​c​k​plan/. A success­ful candi­date must exhibit poten­tial for excel­lence in dynamic teach­ing at a small liberal arts college.

Colorado College actively promotes an inclu­sive envi­ron­ment in which students, faculty, staff of diverse back­grounds, cultures, and perspec­tives can learn and work together. Appli­cants should describe the ways in which they can contribute to CC’s Antiracism Initia­tive in their cover letter and/​or teach­ing state­ment. Formal appli­ca­tions require a letter of appli­ca­tion includ­ing a teach­ing state­ment, a resumé and the names of three refer­ences to be sent to scjohnson@​coloradocollege.​edu.

Colorado College is an equal oppor­tu­nity employer commit­ted to increas­ing the diver­sity of its commu­nity. We do not discrim­i­nate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, age, reli­gion, gender iden­tity or expres­sion, disabil­ity, or sexual orien­ta­tion in our educa­tional programs and activ­i­ties or our employment practices.

Contact Asso­ciate Profes­sor Scott Johnson at scjohnson@​coloradocollege.​edu with inquiries and/​or ques­tions. Consid­er­a­tion of appli­ca­tions will begin July 19, 2021 and will continue until the posi­tions are filled.