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Call for Entry

2024 Vilcek Prizes for Creative Promise in Design The Vilcek Foundation

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Please note: this opportunity has expired!
The Vilcek Foun­da­tion is accept­ing appli­ca­tions for the 2024 Vilcek Prizes for Creative Promise in Design. In 2024, three rising immi­grant design­ers living and working in the United States will be awarded cash prizes of $50,000 each.

The Vilcek Foun­da­tion is accept­ing appli­ca­tions for the 2024 Vilcek Prizes for Creative Promise in Design https://​vilcek​.co/​2024​c​p​p​desig…. In 2024, three rising immi­grant design­ers living and working in the United States will be awarded cash prizes of $50,000 each. The dead­line to apply is Monday, June 12, 2023, at 5pm ET.

Design­ers working in digital design, graphic design, product design, or social design are eligi­ble to apply for a Vilcek Prize for Creative Promise in Design. Appli­cants must have been born outside the United States and be 38 years of age or younger. Limited excep­tions to the age require­ment may apply for indi­vid­u­als who have taken care­giv­ing, medical, mili­tary, or parental leave. 

The three winners of the 2024 Vilcek Prizes for Creative Promise in Design will be announced in early 2024. Each will each receive a $50,000 unre­stricted cash prize and be honored at a recep­tion in New York City in April 2024

You can access further details about the Vilcek Prizes for Creative Promise in Design, eligi­bil­ity require­ments, and the online appli­ca­tion at the follow­ing link: https://​vilcek​.co/​2024​c​p​p​desig….

Who Should Apply

You were born outside the United States to non-American parents

You are not more than 38 years old

You have 5 years of profes­sional expe­ri­ence in design and possess a strong track record of creative and high-caliber work

Why Should You Apply

Oppor­tu­nity to win one of three $50,000 unre­stricted cash prizes

Help raise aware­ness and visi­bil­ity of immi­grant contri­bu­tions to design in the United States 

Reflect and share how your expe­ri­ence as an immi­grant has shaped your success

Prizewin­ners receive an invalu­able endorse­ment from leaders in their field

Prizewin­ners receive a compre­hen­sive public rela­tions campaign to promote them and their work

Eligi­ble Categories

Digital design: expe­ri­ence design, game design, infor­ma­tion design/​data visu­al­iza­tion, inter­ac­tion design, soft­ware design, systems design, etc.

Graphic design: brand­ing, commu­ni­ca­tion design, iden­tity, pack­ag­ing design, etc.

Product design: furni­ture design, indus­trial design, light­ing design, mate­ri­als design, trans­porta­tion design, etc.

Social design: ecolog­i­cal design, equi­table design, inclu­sive design, service design, sustain­able design, etc.

For any ques­tions, contact Shinnie Kim, Vilcek Foun­da­tion Chief Program Officer, at creativepromise@​vilcek.​org. The Vilcek Foun­da­tion is dedi­cated to raising aware­ness of immi­grant contri­bu­tions to the arts and sciences in the United States and foster­ing appre­ci­a­tion for the arts and sciences.