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2024 Anderson Ranch Internship & Award Program Ander­son Ranch Arts Center

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Please note: this opportunity has expired!
Ander­son Ranch Intern­ship & Award Program is an inten­sive learn­ing expe­ri­ence, with rigor­ous full-day work­shop and studio observ­ing, teach­ing, support­ing, and studio manage­ment in a world-class art-making environment.
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Intern­ship Dates

The start date of the program is May 19th, 2024, and ends in Septem­ber at an agreed-upon date. Specific arrival and depar­ture dates are arranged by depart­ment and the acad­e­mic calen­dar needs of the intern.

Prac­ti­cal Expe­ri­ence & Profes­sional Development Award

Ander­son Ranch Intern­ship & Award Program is an inten­sive learn­ing expe­ri­ence, with rigor­ous full day work­shop and studio observ­ing, teach­ing, support­ing, and studio manage­ment in a world-class art-making envi­ron­ment. Educa­tional semi­nars, lectures and round­ta­bles deepen the intern expe­ri­ence. This educa­tional intern­ship oppor­tu­nity meets National Asso­ci­a­tion of Colleges and Employ­ers (NACE) intern­ship guide­lines. Acad­e­mic credit is offered through various partic­i­pat­ing colleges/​universities as well through the college/​university of the applicant.

At the satis­fac­tory conclu­sion of the summer term each intern receives a profes­sional devel­op­ment award of $5,000. The award is not a replace­ment for wages but rather intended to support future educa­tion or artis­tic endeav­ors after as partic­i­pants pursue their artis­tic and profes­sional ambi­tions. This is a cash award to a student reported on IRS Form 1099 box X. Students are required to report back to Ander­son Ranch on the impact of their award within six months.
