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2023 – 2024 Gondring Residency in Woodworking Sawtooth School for Visual Art

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The Gondring Resi­dency in Wood­work­ing at Sawtooth in Winston-Salem, NC, is a one-year program for emerg­ing wood­work­ers to develop their skills and gain valu­able teach­ing expe­ri­ence in a support­ive and welcoming environment.
2024residency beckychair

For nearly 80 years, Sawtooth has been a creative hub for the region— foster­ing an ener­getic craft school envi­ron­ment in down­town Winston-Salem, NC. Our year-long Artist-in-Resi­dence program encour­ages the devel­op­ment of new skills, connec­tions, and bodies of work while assist­ing with oper­a­tions. Our Gondring Resi­dent in Wood­work­ing will receive round-the-clock access to Wood and Lathe studios, a semi-private studio space, and a $3,000 stipend in exchange for working several hours per week. Sawtooth’s resi­den­cies prior­i­tize self-explo­ration and personal growth while also provid­ing ample support for profes­sional devel­op­ment, includ­ing possi­ble teach­ing and exhibition opportunities.

Chosen by the Direc­tor of Wood Programs, along with a rotat­ing jury, appli­cants are eval­u­ated based on the quality of their work, their dedi­ca­tion to their craft, and their will­ing­ness to bring fresh perspec­tives to the creative commu­nity at Sawtooth. Previ­ous expe­ri­ence working in a wood shop is strongly preferred.

Appli­ca­tions are due Wednes­day, May 152024.

Appli­cants will receive noti­fi­ca­tion of final deci­sion by Sunday, June 30, 2024. Resi­dency begins August 1, 2024, and ends July 31, 2025, with the start date being flexible.

To review the full resi­dency descrip­tion and appli­ca­tion process, visit our website.
