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2022 Pre-Confer­ence Survey 

Conference Collage

The Furni­ture Society is poised to host their first in-person confer­ence since 2019

The proposed dates are the week of June 6, 2022 on the Univer­sity of North Carolina, Asheville campus. 

With new COVID vari­ants constantly emerg­ing, we don’t know what things will be like in 6 months. We do know that the Furni­ture Society runs on a very tight budget and we want to offer in-person events, but it is a finan­cial risk for us. Our top prior­i­ties, as always, are to serve you, our members, in the best way possi­ble, to build commu­nity, and to ensure the health of our orga­ni­za­tion and the field. 

With the pandemic main­tain­ing a domi­nant pres­ence in our lives, we are trying to gather as much infor­ma­tion from you, our audi­ence and member­ship, to gauge how we go about shaping future events. 

Please take a moment to complete this survey NO LATER THAN JANUARY 14, 2022.

There are many vari­ables that go into plan­ning an in-person event/​conference and that each indi­vid­ual will make their deci­sions to attend based on a variety of factors. 

We are hoping to get a better sense from you about your comfort levels at this time.

This survey is designed to learn about five specific areas:

  • Your comfort level in attend­ing an in-person confer­ence in June. 
  • Your comfort level for housing. 
  • Your will­ing­ness to regis­ter during a very specific and limited time frame at least two months in advance of the conference.
  • What content you’d be interested in.
  • Your will­ing­ness to attend and/​or buy tickets to virtual events 

Fill out the survey HERE

Thank you, in advance, for respond­ing as quickly and directly as possible.

Your input is needed and appreciated.


Monica Hampton, Executive Director