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Philip Morley‘s passion for wood­work­ing began in his youth when he was intro­duced to wood­work­ing through a shop class in school. In the wood­work­ing shop, Philip, who previ­ously strug­gled in school due to dyslexia, found a place where he could feel success­ful and indeed excel. He pursued his passion by learn­ing the craft of carpen­try and joinery through the City and Guilds of London program, a three year trade school program, working on various histor­i­cal build­ings through­out central London. Through his courses Philip devel­oped a passion for fine furni­ture crafts­man­ship and pursued appren­tice­ships to acquire the expe­ri­ence and skill needed. In these appren­tice­ships, Philip gained expe­ri­ence with both furni­ture design and quality crafts­man­ship. Through his appren­tice­ship with furni­ture-master, Michael Colca, he learned the value of crafts­man­ship and integrity in every detail of the piece. Michael contin­ues to be a valued mentor today.

Morley’s furni­ture designs are char­ac­ter­ized by their clean lines, mini­mal­ist forms, and subtly allur­ing design details. His pieces and tech­niques have been featured in FineWood­work­ing Maga­zine and Philip has also appeared in such publi­ca­tions as Texas Monthly. In addi­tion to creat­ing beau­ti­ful pieces, Morley is also commit­ted to preserv­ing the art of custom furni­ture making. He shares his knowl­edge and expe­ri­ence with others through work­shops and classes, where he teaches students about tradi­tional and modern wood­work­ing tech­niques and the impor­tance of crafts­man­ship. In this capac­ity he has taught at schools across the country. He is excited to be co-teach­ing at Center for Furni­ture Crafts­man­ship in the Fall for a portion of their 9 month program. Philip contin­ues to operate his one man shop with a focus on pushing himself to expand on his skills, learn new tech­niques, and build the best pieces he can. His studio sits next to his house so he can be close to his wife and four kids.

Wimberley, TX
Professional Status
Studio furniture maker
Member until May 25, 2024
