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Positions, Fellowship

Resident Fellow Position UNC Asheville — STEAM Studios

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Please note: this opportunity has expired!

TFS & UNCA STEAM Studios is looking for a resi­dent fellow to be a liaison between part­ner­ing orga­ni­za­tions BeLoved Asheville and The Furni­ture Society for the 2020/2021 Craft For A Greater Good program.

Are you someone who is a skilled connec­tor, commu­ni­ca­tor, and facil­i­ta­tor?
Are you inter­ested in making a differ­ence in commu­ni­ties through making?

The Furni­ture Society is pleased to announce the launch of a Local Resi­dent Fellow­ship posi­tion to facil­i­tate the work of Craft For a Greater Good in Asheville, NC during the 2020/2021 year.

Primary part­ners are UNC A­sheville — STEAM Studios, and BeLoved Asheville, a local non-profit build­ing a micro-home village to address the housing crisis in Asheville. This iter­a­tion of CGG will involve working with our part­ners, members of the Asheville and the national Furni­ture Society commu­ni­ties to create furni­ture for these tiny homes.

The Local Resi­dent Fellow posi­tion is crit­i­cal to the success of this project. They will report to the team at UNC Asheville STEAM Studio. The key func­tion is to lead and facil­i­tate the CGG project and work­shops, serving as the liaison between the partner orga­ni­za­tions, and the commu­nity itself.

The Resi­dent Fellow will manage projects, estab­lish design para­me­ters, and work collab­o­ra­tively with local stake­hold­ers. The fellow will also develop a final design and plan for fabri­ca­tion, instal­la­tion, and dissem­i­na­tion of infor­ma­tion about the project.

Bene­fits include:

  • Stipend
  • Access to STEAM Studio and equipment
  • Contin­ued profes­sional devel­op­ment through contact with STEAM and TFS staff, TFS members, fellows, depart­ment peers, commu­nity part­ners, local and national artists, and students.
  • Oppor­tu­nity to present and share expe­ri­ence and results of the project at the FS confer­ence (and through social media chan­nels) to a national audience.

Please note: housing is not included in this Fellowship

Apply For Residency