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Fabrication Manager staff opening at University Makerspace Case Western Reserve University

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Please note: this opportunity has expired!

Come work with us at Sears think[box] — a 50,000 square foot maker­space and inno­va­tion center at Case Western Reserve Univer­sity. We are looking for someone with expe­ri­ence in metal­work­ing, wood­work­ing, and design to help run our shop.


Working with a high degree of inde­pen­dence and under the general direc­tion of the Direc­tor of Design and Manu­fac­tur­ing, to assist in the manage­ment floors 4 and 5 of Sears think[box] – includ­ing a wood and metal fabri­ca­tion work­shop (floor 4), and project space and design studio (floor 5). Provide design and manu­fac­tur­ing exper­tise, mentor­ing and tech­ni­cal support to students, faculty and staff. Create and deliver train­ing programs and program­matic activ­i­ties in the areas of design (CAD/CAM/CAE) as well as digital and manual fabri­ca­tion, includ­ing manual and computer controlled lathes, milling machines, manual surface grinders, drill presses, MIG/TIG welding, and digital proto­typ­ing equip­ment includ­ing a ShopBot and water­jet cutter. Perform routine main­te­nance on machines where applic­a­ble, and manage inven­tory for consum­ables and supplies. Formu­late, docu­ment and enforce access, safety and train­ing poli­cies. Develop and imple­ment inno­v­a­tive design/​make/​vali­date STEM activ­i­ties and work­shops both at the colle­giate and secondary grades 8 to 12 levels.


* Design and Fabri­ca­tion Engi­neer­ing (60%): Provide design/​manu­fac­tur­ing exper­tise, mentor and provide tech­ni­cal guid­ance to a variety of students engaged in acad­e­mic, research, entre­pre­neur­ial, and extra-curric­u­lar design/​build projects. Provide exper­tise to faculty in devel­op­ing design/​make/​validate projects. Develop, vali­date, imple­ment and main­tain train­ing mate­r­ial, proce­dures, tuto­ri­als, study guides, quizzes, in-person classes, on the safe use of Sears think[box] equip­ment, machin­ery and processes.

* Main­te­nance and Inven­tory Control (10%): Develop and imple­ment an effec­tive and effi­cient routine main­te­nance system, includ­ing daily, weekly, monthly, quar­terly, and yearly tasks.

* Policy Devel­op­ment and Imple­men­ta­tion (10%): Oversee and ensure a safe working envi­ron­ment; main­tain safe oper­at­ing proce­dures for all work­shop equip­ment and processes.

* Student Staff Manage­ment (20%): Recruit, train, and manage student workers neces­sary to staff the fabri­ca­tion and projects floors of think[box] to provide open access to equip­ment and machines during think[box] posted open hours. 


* Expe­ri­ence: 3 to 5 years related expe­ri­ence; prefer expe­ri­ence in a college/​university or non-profit setting.

* Education/​Licensing: Bachelor’s degree in a related field is preferred.


* Excel­lent commu­ni­ca­tion, inter­per­sonal and project management skills.

* Proven record of success­fully devel­op­ing, manag­ing and assess­ing Design/​Make/​Validate’ projects.

* Expe­ri­ence with a variety of manual and computer-controlled fabri­ca­tion machines and equip­ment, includ­ing, but not limited to: manual lathes/​milling/​grinding machines, CNC lathe/​milling machines, rapid proto­typ­ing processes, and stan­dard manual machine and bench tools.

* Ability to engage and moti­vate students from multi­ple back­grounds (art, music, engi­neer­ing, science) engaged in design/​build/​validate projects

* Expe­ri­ence with the appli­ca­tion of computer-aided-design (CAD), computer-aided analy­sis (CAE), and computer-aided-manu­fac­tur­ing (CAM) soft­ware systems.A working knowl­edge of Solid­Works design and manu­fac­tur­ing soft­ware would be an advantage.

* Expe­ri­ence with using basic wood­work­ing processes and machin­ery would be an advantage.

* Ability to explain/​demon­strate manu­fac­tur­ing workshop skills.

* Ability to work flex­i­ble hours includ­ing evenings and week­ends as required to provide cover­age primar­ily for the Sears think[box] maker­spaces’

* A demon­strated commit­ment to high profes­sional ethical stan­dards and a diverse workplace.

* Excel­lent orga­ni­za­tional skills, open to direc­tion and a commit­ment to get the job done.


Visit our career board, and for exter­nal appli­cants click view open posi­tions” and search for 8455” which is the ID number for this job posting.


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