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Artist Studio EcoGuide Craft in America

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Share ways in which artists can make their prac­tices and studios more eco-friendly! This acces­si­ble resource, for all artists, across media, will provide adopt­able ideas for improv­ing the eco-foot­print of art making.

Craft in America is pleased to announce the devel­op­ment of an online Artist Studio EcoGu­ide. The launch of this vital project presents an oppor­tu­nity for artists and the public to weigh in and gener­ate a blue­print that can make an impact.

The first of its kind, the EcoGu­ide will be a crowd­sourced resource that enlists the involve­ment of the Craft commu­nity and artists more broadly in the fight against climate change. As inno­v­a­tive thinkers, artists are uniquely posi­tioned to lead by example, inspir­ing us to take concrete action in our daily lives. The EcoGu­ide is a much needed tool that will offer prag­matic and meaningful solutions. 

The Artist Studio EcoGu­ide is being gener­ated in conjunc­tion with the Craft in America Center’s current exhi­bi­tion Making Waves: Ocean Ecology & Craft, which cele­brates our oceans and sheds light on the vast effects of climate change. The EcoGu­ide will be initi­ated with sustain­able tips from the eleven exhibiting artists. 

Artists, as well as the general public, are invited to share ways in which artists can make their prac­tices and studios more eco-friendly. These ideas will be collected and compiled into the EcoGu­ide, and made avail­able in perpe­tu­ity on crafti​namer​ica​.org. Tips and sugges­tions can be sent through: 

Online survey:

Social media via comments: @craftinamerica

Or by sending an email to center@​craftinamerica.​org

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