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Video Content Submissions

Please submit a short video of your exhi­bi­tion, event, tech tip, demo, work in progress, class­room project, etc. — no longer than 5 minutes. We recom­mend that it be shot on your phone or tablet with a horizontal/​landscape orien­ta­tion. The video will be uploaded as is” so please make sure that the sound and picture quality are good. Get creative! Think of slow pans that give people a sense of the layout as well as some up close shots. Feel free to narrate your tour or perhaps, add some fun copy­right-free background music. 

All videos over 5 minutes will not be accepted. By submit­ting this form, you allow The Furni­ture Society the right to use your video at their discre­tion. This could be on The Furni­ture Society’s media plat­forms and newsletter. 

Title of exhibition or name of event, tech tip, demo, etc.
Short description of exhibition, event or project
Longer description of exhibition, event, project, etc.
List names with commas in between
Website or link to social media
Dropbox or Google Drive
Include up to 5 still shots of the exhibition or event. This may include an image of the venue.