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FSMillard Mendez Headshot-avatar

I was born in Mass­a­chu­setts in a textile town with an incred­i­ble indus­trial past. Growing up there fostered in me a fasci­na­tion with late-nine­teenth century mechan­i­cal tech­nol­ogy. From an early age, I was enthralled with mechan­ics, motion, and the wonders born of fertile, no-nonsense Yankee minds. 

I am a Profes­sor of Art in the Art and Design Depart­ment at the Univer­sity of South­ern Indiana in Evans­ville, Indiana. I teach 3‑D Design, Wood­work­ing, Art Appre­ci­a­tion, Senior Seminar, and First Year Expe­ri­ence, among other courses. I received my MFA in Sculp­ture from UMASS Dartmouth. 

My work has been shown in over 500 exhi­bi­tions in all 50 states and inter­na­tion­ally. I’ve had many solo exhi­bi­tions and received over 100 awards for my art and teach­ing. My sculp­tures are in over 60 private and public collec­tions and images of my work have appeared in Sculp­ture Maga­zine and Amer­i­can Craft, as well as in several books. I have been teach­ing at the college level since 1999 and I’ve often been asked to present lectures about art to different audiences.

Evansville, IN
Professional Status
Member until Jan 30, 2021
