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Nick Martier is a wood­worker who special­izes in custom furni­ture design. He seam­lessly blends tradi­tional joinery with raw artisan sculpt­ing that creates a human element that could never be recre­ated by a machine. His heir­loom quality furni­ture consists of rocking chairs, tables, occasional/​dining chairs, book­shelves, settee benches and more. Nick currently works by himself out of a studio in histor­i­cal Bristol borough, Penn­syl­va­nia where he splits his time taking commis­sions, design­ing orig­i­nal pieces and teach­ing contin­u­ing educa­tion wood­work­ing courses. Nick is a self-taught wood­worker that spent the last few years honing a specific style of wood­work­ing based off of sculp­tural tech­niques. He is recog­nized by the Penn­syl­va­nia Guild of Crafts­men as a master crafts­man and chairs the outreach commit­tee for the Bucks County Chapter.

Yardley, PA
Professional Status
Woodworker/furniture designer/instructor
