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IMG 4782

What began with Lego build­ing as a child led to furni­ture restora­tions before grad­u­at­ing from the Center for Furni­ture Crafts­man­ship’s Compre­hen­sive Furni­ture Program in Rock­port, Maine. He then worked under talented furni­ture makers, includ­ing Eben Blaney, before opening his own shop to focus on design­ing furni­ture, home goods and table­ware for resi­den­tial and commer­cial spaces. Dean aims to craft pieces that are quietly pleas­ing and structurally sound. 

His work has has appeared in the Currier Museum of Art, the New Hamp­shire Insti­tute of Art, the Frick Collec­tion in NYC, the Wharton Esher­ick Museum, the Messler Gallery in Maine and the Coop­er­stown Art Asso­ci­a­tion Gallery. He’s been featured in publi­ca­tions such as Fine Wood­work­ing maga­zine and the New Hamp­shire Furni­ture Masters’ annual catalog. Dean is currently the 2020 Arts Fellow for the Insti­tute for Rural Vital­ity at SUNY Cobleskill.

Cobleskill, NY
Professional Status
Designer / maker
Member until Apr 18, 2022
