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I’m a furni­ture designer and maker based in Pough­keep­sie, NY. What began with furni­ture restora­tion work led to clas­si­cal train­ing at the Center for Furni­ture Craftsmanship’s compre­hen­sive program in Maine. I then worked under fine furni­ture makers in Maine and New York before branch­ing out into my own work­shop in Dutchess County of New York’s Hudson Valley.

I aim to craft furni­ture that is quietly pleas­ing and struc­turally sound. I design and make custom furni­ture, home goods and table­ware for commer­cial and resi­den­tial spaces. I also still enjoy restor­ing heir­loom furni­ture when my schedule allows.

Selec­tions of my work were recently on display locally at Field + Supply in Kingston, NY as well as The Beck gallery in historic down­town Rhinebeck, NY. I’m honored to have won the 2021 Wharton Esher­ick Prize For Excel­lence In Wood at the Philadel­phia Museum of Art Contem­po­rary Craft Show. My work has also appeared in the Currier Museum of Art, the New Hamp­shire Insti­tute of Art, the Frick Collec­tion in NYC, the Wharton Esher­ick Museum in PA, the Kingston Design Show­house, the Messler Gallery in Maine, The Loft Gallery at Congdon Yards in High Point, NC, the Society of Arts + Crafts’ Craft­Boston show and the Coop­er­stown Art Association Gallery. 

I’ve been featured in publi­ca­tions such as Fine Wood­work­ing maga­zine, Archi­tec­tural Digest, House Beau­ti­ful, Chrono­gram, Design­ing Light­ing, the New Hamp­shire Furni­ture Masters’ annual catalog and the Korean news­pa­per Dong‑A Ilbo.

My Emmet Lamp won the Inter­na­tional Society of Furni­ture Design’s 2020 Pinna­cle Award in the Light­ing cate­gory. This lamp also won the 2020 Inno­va­tion + Design Award in the Profes­sional Accessory category. 

I was the 2020 Arts Fellow for the Insti­tute for Rural Vital­ity at Cobleskill Univer­sity. A descrip­tion of that oppor­tu­nity can be read here. In 2017 I received the Alden Artisan Advance­ment Award from the New Hamp­shire Furni­ture Masters. An article about this was featured on Fine Woodworking.

Poughkeepsie, NY
Professional Status
Designer / maker
